Genesis 23, 24 and Luke 9


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S:  Luke 9:12-13    This is the story of the loaves and fishes.  Luke 9: 37-42  The story of a man’s son possessed of a demon.

O:  Later on in this chapter, Jesus also comments about His frustration in the disciples not being able to cast out the demons in a person they encountered.  In both incidents, Yeshua seems to be asking the disciples to perform these tasks to increase their faith, but in both cases, they make excuses and say they aren’t able.  So he takes care of the tasks Himself.

A:  Yeshua wants us to follow through on those things He gives us to do.  Obviously, the Father gets frustrated with us when we aren’t obedient, but He didn’t rebuke them.  He took care of it.  I think back to things I have asked my children to do, and when the tasks weren’t done, I was frustrated, sometimes to the point of just doing it myself.  However, how much better it would have been if they had done them themselves, to learn and grow from those experiences.  God wants me to grow, and so I need to be careful to do all that he says to do.

P:  Father, please enable me to have enough faith to carry out those responsibilities you give me, and to be thankful for them, doing them with joy.